Living in a Place Called Manifestation

Garden of Eden

The only difference between where you are and where you want to be is consistency!

To accomplish your vision and live the life you want to live, you must maintain a consistent headspace that triggers the winning mindset.

There is no way around this…

The Bible starts its epic manuscript in the Garden of Eden. Within this garden, Adam and Eve had to follow specific rules.

Those same rules in the garden still apply to us today.

(Hint: it’s bigger than just eating an apple)

If you use the wisdom in this article you’ll be able to live in a place where all potential is possible. Break these rules and you’ll suffer the consequences!

Over the next couple of minutes, I want to show you how to live in a place called Manifestation. This place has the potential to turn your intangible vision into a real-life dream.

But before we dive into where this place is, we must discuss where this place isn’t.

Right there is how we began.

Your Dreams Won’t Manifest in the Dark

In the beginning, God created the heavens and earth. The earth was without form and void, and darkness was on the face of the deep. Then God said, 'Let There be Light' and there was light. And God saw the light was good. And God divided the light from the darkness!

The first thing God did during the creation process was to seperate the light from the dark. The light and the dark are two distinctive entities; never to mix and/or comingle with each other.

In the spiritual world, this law is absolute!

And this brings us to the first point.

You will never manifest your dreams in darkness!

Dark deeds, dark thoughts, and dark habits will never bring prosperity. A mind full of hate, envy, malice, and judgment can never yield long-term success.

It’s spiritually impossible!

For example, once upon a time I was a 17 kid who thought selling drugs was the best way to get my studio equipment.

How do you think this turned out?

The action of selling drugs separated me from the light.

Therefore my studio equipment was never able to manifest; although well-intentioned, because you can never manifest prosperity in darkness.

I’ve learned in my life that dark places can’t illuminate light; it can only render more darkness. I’ve overcome depression myself, my dad fought it, but lost the battle because he committed suicide.

On the other hand, scripture stated that “the earth was without form and void, and darkness was on the face of the deep.”

Simply put, since darkness was present nothing was able to form.

Or better yet, without the presence of light, nothing can form because darkness will void manifestation.

The rabbit hole is deep!

We all have light and darkness inside us.

But it’s important to understand that your dream requires light to manifest. Your dream requires a positive environment to grow.

If you take a seed and put it in the ground it will need the light to germinate.

If you take your vision, put it on paper and feed your mind, body, and spirit positive energy; your dreams will manifest.

Different realms, same process!

This positive energy must encapsulate every part of your being. It must become apart of who you are.

Strive to live in an environment of love and above all things watch the spirit of anger. Anger in any form or fashion will destroy your spirit and keep you in a dark place.

Therefore make it your business to seek out the light, live in this light and you’ll start to see your dreams manifest.

Your Dreams Won’t Manifest in the Doubt

The woman told the serpent that we can't eat from the tree that's in the middle of the garden or we will die. But the serpent told the woman that she wouldn't die but her eyes would be opened and she would become like God, knowing good and evil. After the woman saw that the fruit on the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, she took some and ate it.

Woman Looking in Sweaty Mirror

This infamous passage opens up with a conversation between the woman and a serpent.

But on a deeper level, this dialogue is a clash between faith and doubt.

Which brings us to the second point.

You will never manifest your dreams in doubt!

Two forms of doubt are ever-present. Striving for ultimate control, doubt will invade your spirit by way of what you see and what you hear.

If you let doubt run rampant, it spreads like a plague and becomes a habit, that will become a mindset; which in turn becomes your way of being destroying all chances of manifestation in the process.

The first level of doubt can enter your spirit by what you see.

What you see in the physical is always an enemy to what you see in the spirit. Your eyes will always be opposed to your vision!

Where you are today in your life is only a reflection of who you’ve been. But who you’ve been is who you were; who you are now, has yet to manifest.

And if you’re not careful; you’ll believe what you see now and take it for absolute truth, negating who you were truly meant to be.

Don’t believe what you see, believe what you know and feel within your spirit #praiseChrist

The second level of doubt will come by way of what you hear.

What people tell you can derail your dreams forever! Since the beginning of time, the enemy has always used words to sow confusion.

The tongue is the most powerful form of destruction.

People can only speak into your life, what they believe. When you accept another person’s level of faith for truth, you, in turn, substitute your true potential for what they think is possible.

On a micro-level, you’ve made that person your idol, your god because their small words and opinions form your ideology.

This level of doubt is often subtle, but if left unchecked the words of other people will destroy you and everything you could have ever become!

For both forms of doubt, insecurity lies at the heart of the problem.

It’s easy to accept life as it is and/or by what you see when you don’t have a vision or know where you’re going.

It’s even easier to believe what people say and take it for truth when you don’t know who you are.

We all have insecurities but if you’re not careful people will prey on your weakness using words to judge you with the sole purpose of controlling you to be what they think you should be.

But that’s witchcraft!

The only entity that should control you is the Spirit of God, your vision, your alchemist, your purpose and your life’s mission.

Have a strong sense of self and learn how to take everything with a grain of salt. Learn how to let people go quickly and don’t dwell amongst people you’re spirit detest.

You can feel it.

You know it.

Focus on you! Because the manifestation of your true self and your dreams will take every ounce of your being.

Always guard your mind and attack doubt with the same ruthlessness it attacks you.

Your Dreams Won’t Manifest in the Neglect

Then the LORD God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to tend and keep it.

Neglected Child's Room with Old Bike

Before Eve ate the apple, God gave Adam one job.

To manage the garden.

Which brings us to the third and final point.

You will never manifest your dreams in neglect!

Management is a term often used to describe a CEO or high-level executive who runs a business.

But the concept of management is so important that the creator found it necessary to be the first command he gave to mankind.

You MUST learn how to manage your life properly.

This idea tends to be an Achilles heel for most people. Neglect is a dream killer!

You can have all the God-given talent, the right personality, the passion, and drive; but if you don’t get this concept right; you’ll never prosper.

To whom much is given much is required.

When you learn how to manage the little things in life, doors start to open. Opportunities start to knock!

Because prosperity is attracted to preparation.

The Parable of the Talents; success is attracted to management.

As I like to say; action is the highest form of faith!

And the highest form of action is being humble, thankful and a responsible steward over what God has given you.

This is where the rubber meets the road!

A bird in the hand is better than two in the bush.

Stop neglecting what’s in your hand.

Use it. Take care of it. Nurture it to grow.

The best way to do this is to identify roles and goals. List all the roles (e.g. Husband, Business Owner, Father, Blogger) that you have in your personal and business life.

Identify tasks during a weekly huddle to be sure your life is balanced and every aspect is managed and growing properly.

DO NOT neglect to do this.

For if you do, you’ll certainly pay the consequences.

Final Thoughts

The person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither — whatever they do prospers.

Flowers Growing

Manifestation is a place!

To reach a point in your life where you can turn your intangible vision into a real-life dream, you have to adopt this manifestation mindset!

I could have gone deeper down the rabbit hole but for the sake of time, I cut this article short.

God’s manifestation is based on separation and purity.

Seperate yourself from the sheep. Don’t follow the crowd, purify yourself with the Word.

Life is about balance!

Make it your business to renew your mind, body, and spirit everyday. Implement a program that will void neglect; a schedule that systemize your keystone habits.

For it is written, “I know that nothing is better for them to rejoice, and to do good in their lives; and also that every man should eat and drink and enjoy the good of all his labor – it is the gift of God.”

Strive to do good.

As much as possible seperate yourself from evil.

Your dreams will never manifest in the dark!

It’s critical to believe in your vision. Write it down, make it plain. For a man who doubts is like a man tossed to and fro.

Doubt and faith are like the light and the dark; they can never coexist and/or co-mingle together.

It’s spiritually impossible.

And lastly, manage your life and business accordingly.

Learn how to play on your level.

Up your game, and learn how to manage and play on the next level.

Then level up again, and learn how to play on that level.

Lastly, in the words of Robert Rosario, “What you want and what you get is based on what you do with what you know”.

Until Next Time,




Picture of Bryan Bowser
Bryan Bowser

Bryan Bowser is a certified digital marketing consultant with 15 years of experience in the branding, website, and digital marketing space. On his spare time he loves to speak, teach and write about faith, business and life.

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